Tag Archives: donuts

Sprinkles on chocolate frosting

If you read my blog titled Sprinkles, you already know why this is special.

My sweet husband had to go to the store for parts last Saturday and asked if I wanted anything while he was there.

“I don’t know where you would get one, but it’s time I had a donut.”

His eyes twinkling, “With chocolate frosting and sprinkles.”


Bless him, he found a little trailer which happens to sell fresh donuts.

As I enjoyed every bit of that sweet with my tea, I praised God.

Because the donut is more than a rare dessert.

For me, it’s an opportunity to remember all the incredible ways God is good.

Especially, in my own life.

How He has loved me, provided for me, carried me, and is so faithful to me and my family.

Yes, I certainly can and do praise God regularly, not just when eating a donut.

But on that day, I wanted to do something special.

It was the end of a really trying week.

The previous one hadn’t been easy either.

And I knew the following weeks held a great deal of uncertainty.

So, in a way, I was building a monument.

In the midst of struggle and uncertainty is the most important time to remember Who God is and what He has done.

This remembering is a choice to love and trust God, because He is worthy.

And that truth is sweeter than any man made thing, including a donut with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.

Ecclesiastes 3:14 NKJV — I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.


Psalm 24:1 “The Earth is the LORD’s and all it’s fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.”

I love this verse.

“…and those who dwell therein.”

Every person belongs to God.

I belong to God.

Last night I had a special reminder of how much He loves each and every one who dwell therein.

It was a dream.

Most of it, I can’t remember.

I do recall standing and talking with the Lord.

There were all kinds of food on a table.

I was trying to ask Him what I should eat.

He said, Sprinkles, you like the ones with sprinkles.

I looked at the bagels, many different flavors and types.

Without looking at the Lord I replied, “I don’t like bagels with sprinkles.”

Not bagels, donuts.

I woke up.

Suddenly the memory came back.

When I was a small child donuts were one of the few sweets we had often.

My favorite were chocolate with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.

But sometimes I couldn’t get a chocolate donut, so I’d choose one with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.

Sometimes, I couldn’t get chocolate frosting, but I always wanted sprinkles.

My favorite were the multi-colored ones.

They reminded me of rainbows and crayons and art.

What wonderful pictures could be made with all those colors!

Colors in general were exciting, and colors combined with sugar!

Somehow, multi-colored sprinkles were so fun!

With these recollections came a deep sense of awe and love.

Awe of God’s incredible detail.

He has never forgotten the little girl who loved sprinkles on her donuts.

Even though, I had.

If He loves me so much as to remind me of a tiny detail, how can I ever doubt His love in my day, my life, my family, or my future?

How fitting the verses I read this morning.

Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:4 NKJV

I can’t remember the last donut I’ve eaten.

I know it would have been purchased by my sweet husband.

(Who buys them now and then ever since I told him how much I like them.)

I can say, the next one I eat will taste sweeter than any before it.

It will be a precious reminder of my Lord and Savior.

A beautiful picture of God’s incredible love for me.

It will also have multi-colored sprinkles.