Tag Archives: thing

Giving up the past

Plans for the future have been in motion.

It seems at the back of my thoughts pretty continually.

Our new grandson’s due date, our daughter’s marriage, all the details of homeschooling, all these things have been thought about, prayed for, and discussed multiple times.

As I was putting dishes away this morning I was complaining to God.

I hadn’t realized I was.

But that’s the truth.

I’ve found a thought running through my mind multiple times and it’s connected with a circumstance.

Something I’d wanted to keep had been given away without thought to ask my opinion.

When I discovered the truth, my feelings were hurt.

The choice was logical to the one.

The problem was me.

I had an emotional attachment due to a special memory.

Therefore, when I was putting away the dishes and telling God, “I really wish I had…it would be so useful for…”.

The Lord spoke.

Stop grieving over something I took away.


“Oh Lord! I’m so sorry!”

I took a breath.

“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

“Jesus, thank You for showing me my error. I hadn’t realized I was holding on to that. I trust You, that what I have and where I am is exactly where I’m supposed to be and You will provide anything lacking.”

Now that my heart has been revealed, I can see how I have been clinging to this in such an unhealthy way.

What’s really crazy about it is, it’s something of no importance at all.

Yet, I can look at myself and see how I choose to hold on to the past through this.

Somewhere, I was trying to keep a moment of joy and bring it into today by a thing.

How ridiculous!

Jesus is the only One who can do that.

He brings joy into each day and no thing nor any other person can ever meet up with His ability.

It’s good to remember those things which were God’s blessing and to praise Him for it.

But it should never take the place of what He is doing today.

Jesus is blessing each of us, today.

Therefore, I will be more guarded about my thoughts and attitudes when it comes to the past.

I don’t want to clutter up today with needless things and miss the joy in Jesus.

For I know what He has for me in today is what is best.

Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV — Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.