The Season for bees

It all began with this hive.

One of the assistant pastors at our church is a bee keeper, when he heard my husband wanted bees, he turned up with a hive.

The bee box needed to be replaced and the bees needed more room, so the current hive is decidedly different.

Last Autumn, we enjoyed our very own honey from this hive.

With all the fun he’d been having with his bees, my husband had casually mentioned wanting more hives.

This Spring we’ve been so blessed by God with more bees.

It began with our neighbors across the street hearing that he wanted more bee hives.

Imagine my surprise when they turned up one day and said, “If your husband wants a swarm, we’ve got one in a tree he can have.”

We rejoiced in not only the blessing of another hive, but the opportunity to build a relationship with our neighbors.

Twice more they came by to tell us of swarms.

They also came over to look inside our hive and give pointers and advice.

So, I wasn’t too surprised to see our neighbor heading across the street after Jase had brought me out of the house to “see something”.

At first, I thought it was a Dust Devil (like a minute tornado).

As I drew closer, I realized it was a cloud of bees, all flying in tornado like fashion.

Thankfully, they didn’t go far.

Our son-in-law’s frisbee golf basket was readily available and they covered it.

Before too long the bees were in their new home.

As well as all over it!

With the three swarms from the neighbors and our hive becoming two, we had plenty of bees.

Our neighbor had even given us a box, because we had filled all we had, and were extremely grateful to God.

Yesterday, as I was walking the lambs I thought I’d check one of the chicken tractors for eggs, but I didn’t get that far.

It took me a moment to realize we had a swarm on the basket again.

After calling my husband to find out what to do, Bell came outside to watch the lambs, so I could get a bee trap out of the apple tree and place it nearby.

Thankfully, our son arrived home from work and helped me get the box.

The bees weren’t too excited about moving, which turned out to be a blessing.

Last weekend, I was surprised that my husband stopped in the middle of the road to chat with a neighbor.

Their house is on a street we drive to get to a main road.

Handsome was asking the man about the bee box and before long found out the gentleman was the resident’s father and had unsuccessfully tried to get his daughter a swarm of bees.

My husband’s parting words were, “If I have another swarm I’ll come get her box.”

Not forgetting his promise, he showed up yesterday afternoon with her box and the swarm was removed from the basket to the box.

They picked it up after dark when all the bees would be inside.

I was praising God this morning for His incredible generosity.

Giving us double the number my husband was hoping for this year.

I’ve gotten used to bee music in the garden, but not so much so that I don’t recognize a different tune.

It was coming from the opposite direction of all the boxes, so I stopped watering to look around.

“Well! Thank You, Jesus!”

That bee trap turned out to be needed after all.

I smiled as I watched from the house.

Our son, our neighbor, and my husband moved the swarm into the box.

I texted our neighbor’s wife, thanking her for her husband’s help.

“No problem! It’s that time of year after all.”

I guess it is, and as I’m looking forward to the honey we will both share, I’m reminded of scripture.

Psalm 119:103 NKJV — How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your creation. Lord, the more I learn about the ways of life around me, the more I am in awe of You. For Your Word is even more inspiring than the creatures around me, for it tells me far more about You. Lord, please help me always be in awe of Your works and amazed by Your creation. Please let me increase in my love of Your Word. Lord, please help me to praise You continually, because You are so worthy. Lord, I love You and I thank You for Your Word, Your salvation, and Your incredible love. May my life bring You glory. Amen.

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