Tag Archives: restrictions

Through the eyes of a one year old

Our female rabbit, Velvet, had babies.

We brought one inside for the grandbabies to see and gently touch.

Joy was full of excitement as she kept trying to reach out and grab hand-fulls of fur

When we tried to help her to gently pet it, she responded with trying to hold it.

We thwarted every attempt until she grew frustrated and I took the bunny back to it’s home outside.

Joy couldn’t understand why we didn’t let her hold the rabbit, why we wouldn’t allow her to squeeze it with her hands.

She was so excited to experience this new, but her pleasure was quickly overtaken by her desires which were restricted, unmet, and denied.

She wasn’t mature enough to understand how her desires would lead to harm for both herself and the bunny.

All she could see was the denial of her wishes.

As I was heading outside, she was still voicing her displeasure in anything, but a gentle manner.

How easy it is to look at her and shake one’s head at her self will and unreasonable attitude which robbed both her siblings and herself of a longer visit with the bunny.

Although we caused her to be upset, we refused to allow her to harm herself or the rabbit, because that’s the loving thing to do.

Yet, pausing for a moment to look through her eyes, I can suddenly see myself.

How often has the Lord restricted me, left my desires unmet, and denied my requests?


Because, I wasn’t mature enough to understand the harm for myself or my loved ones granting these things would have brought.

Sometimes, I can look backwards through these moments and realize the blessings of the restrictions, denials, and disappointments.

Other times, I am left wondering what else was part of these circumstances which I couldn’t understand in the midst of it all.

But either way, I’m learning to check my attitudes and words when experiencing these things, for I don’t want to be robbed of the gifts God is giving me even while He is removing something.

I never want to be counted among those who scorn the blessings of the Lord as common or cheap, but rather to praise Him continually even if I’m feeling disappointed.

My Heavenly Father is good and His ways are trustworthy.

When I am voicing my concerns, emotions, or needs I want to be sure they are flavored by faith, mixed with praise, and spoken in humility.

Psalm 145:3 KJV — Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank You so much for Your blessings and encouragement. Thank You for this moment with our granddaughter which has been a wonderful reminder for me not to waste my time on what I can’t do or don’t have, but instead rejoice in all You have blessed me in and be grateful for those You have placed around me. I am truly amazed by how patient You are. Your grace and mercy are incredible and Your truth is life. Lord, please continue to hone my heart into Your image that I might bring glory to Your name. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.